the healthspan journal
live healthier, longer

Geroscience Prevention

Discover the evolving new field of geroscience, which seeks to preserve health by slowing down the biological causes of aging. Strategies that target aging biology mitigate against the development of age-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, cancer, and dementia.

bryan johnson, founder of the longevity company blueprint

Risk vs Reward – How do Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint supplements fare in the face of evidence?

Wondering if scientific research supports what’s listed in Project Blueprint? I spent days sifting through the evidence on PubMed and Google Scholar and compiled summaries of my findings for each supplement below. Bryan Johnson’s protocol for “anti-aging” known as Project Blueprint has been attracting attention as the longevity field gains momentum. Indeed, even Netflix took […]

Risk vs Reward – How do Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint supplements fare in the face of evidence? Read More »

a bag of longevity medicine being administered to a patient

Commercializing anti-aging products – skipping research for the market

With the rapid rise in anti-aging products, companies are taking advantage of the hype and capitalizing on sales of unproven and unregulated therapies. But buyer beware, charlatans selling snake oil run rampant in this market. The field of geroscience, which focuses on understanding the biological mechanisms of aging, is rapidly gaining mainstream attention. As public

Commercializing anti-aging products – skipping research for the market Read More »