the healthspan journal
live healthier, longer

Disease-Specific Prevention

Learn about ways we can stave off the leading causes of morbidity and mortality such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, dementia, and cancer. Discover advanced strategies for monitoring the development and progression of disease.

cholesterol molecules inside of a lipoprotein with an apoB protein on the outside

Which lab tests are best for monitoring cholesterol levels?

Not all cholesterol tests you get at the doctor’s office are made equal. Find out which ones are better at predicting cardiovascular risk and which ones you should be asking your doctor about. Cholesterol gets a bad rap. As a molecule it is important in cellular structure and hormone production. In fact, it’s so important […]

Which lab tests are best for monitoring cholesterol levels? Read More »

a young man clutching his chest in pain due to heart disease

Heart Disease: How to prevent the #1 cause of death in the world from killing you

The leading cause of morbidity and mortality is preventable. Learn what you can do to take heart disease off the table. Without even knowing you, if I had to guess one thing that is most likely to be the cause of your death it would be heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of

Heart Disease: How to prevent the #1 cause of death in the world from killing you Read More »