Which lab tests are best for monitoring cholesterol levels?
Not all cholesterol tests you get at the doctor’s office are made equal. Find out which ones are better at predicting cardiovascular risk and which

Risk vs Reward – How do Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint supplements fare in the face of evidence?
Wondering if scientific research supports what’s listed in Project Blueprint? I spent days sifting through the evidence on PubMed and Google Scholar and compiled summaries

Heart Disease: How to prevent the #1 cause of death in the world from killing you
The leading cause of morbidity and mortality is preventable. Learn what you can do to take heart disease off the table. Without even knowing you,

Protein intake and longevity – harmful or helpful?
Protein plays a role in longevity through multiple conflicting variables. Which ones are more important depends on who you ask. In the longevity space, the

Commercializing anti-aging products – skipping research for the market
With the rapid rise in anti-aging products, companies are taking advantage of the hype and capitalizing on sales of unproven and unregulated therapies. But buyer

Why medicine must become more proactive and less reactive
The current culture of medicine is to wait until things become bad enough to warrant an intervention. This strategy leaves patients living longer lives but