the healthspan journal
live healthier, longer

Hi. I am an MD
focusing on

health optimization
and longevity

This is my journal for living healthier... longer...

In a medical system focused more on disease-care at the expense of health-care, individuals deserve more attention towards preserving health and wellness.

This site is a free resource for those interested in optimizing healthy longevity through evidence-based, personalized preventative strategies.  

The information provided on this website is for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. 

the definition of healthspan with a minimalistic boat design

My approach to health optimization
and longevity is three-fold...


Lifestyle Prevention

Explore the many nuances of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and more that form the foundation for optimizing healthy longevity. Lifestyle interventions remain the best method for preventing age-related disease. If your goal is to push the needle of healthspan and lifespan, this is the best place to start. 


Disease-Specific Prevention

Learn about ways we can stave off the leading causes of morbidity and mortality such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, dementia, and cancer. Discover advanced strategies for monitoring the development and progression of disease.


Geroscience Prevention

Discover the evolving new field of geroscience, which seeks to preserve health by slowing down the biological causes of aging. Strategies that target aging biology mitigate against the development of age-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, cancer, and dementia.